Additives Free Label
Additives Free Label

Today, it is almost impossible to find ready-made food that does not contain additives. As consumers become conscious about the use of additives and act selectively to reduce the use of additives, food manufacturers have started to offer their products for sale with the claims of "No Additives".
All the claims made by food manufacturers such as No Additives, No Colorants, No Sweeteners are the claims that must be proven. For this reason, the claims of Not Contained in Foods should be supported by analysis studies conducted by laboratories.
Common additives used in foods; stabilizers, emulsifiers, colorants, sweeteners, preservatives. All of these additives are specified with the amount of ADI in the Turkish Food Codex Regulation on Food Additives and all relevant regulations. However, additives should not be used in natural or organic production.
Manufacturers who do not use food additives in their products can use the additive-free logo as a result of the "No Additives" analysis. It can be proved that no additives are used by the analyzes carried out on the foodstuffs.
You can contact the Nanocert Certification Body for “Additives Free Label” studies.