Cruelty Free Deodorant Certificate
Cruelty Free Deodorant Certificate

Deodorant is one of the personal care products. Deodorant is one of the most used products on a daily basis outside of the summer months. Deodorants are sold under different brands in different scents and features.
A deodorant can contain many chemicals. For this reason, before it can be offered for sale, it is questioned whether it is harmful to human health or not. Deodorants, like all cosmetics and personal care products, undergo tests within the scope of relevant standards and regulations until they reach the consumer.
With increasing awareness, environmentally friendly cosmetics and personal care products have started to be preferred. Another feature sought in these products, which are sensitive to both human health and the environment, is that they are "Cruelty Free".
Cruelty Free products are products that are not tested on animals. Cruel tests and analyzes based on human health are carried out without regard to animal rights. This situation can be prevented with today's developing technology. With many laboratory methods, the necessity of testing on animals has been eliminated.
Cruelty Free deodorants are products that have been definitively proven not to be tested on animals and are committed by the manufacturer. By obtaining a Cruetly Free certificate, a product proves that they defend animal rights and implement their production with this meticulousness.