Cruelty Free Toothpaste Certificate
Cruelty Free Toothpaste Certificate

For beautiful and white smiles and healthy teeth, the habit of daily brushing should be acquired from childhood. Today, toothpastes with different properties are produced and sold with different brands with many claims. Of course, the common goal is to protect dental health…
While producing toothpastes, many chemical raw materials are used. Determining the effects of these chemical raw materials on human health is the first important issue in toothpaste production. Test methods draw attention as well as tests for toothpastes. Animal testing is the worst part of cosmetics and personal care products. The term “Cruelty Free” has been coined for cruelty-free testing on animals.
Cruelty Free production rejects animal testing. Thus, cruelty-free, that is, “Cruelty Free” products are produced by making corrections in both production and analysis stages. Cruelty Free toothpastes are also among the preferred ones of recent times. With Cruelty Free toothpaste production, companies are companies that protect animal rights and prove that they are animal-friendly.
With the Nanocert Cruelty Free Certification System, many cosmetic and personal care products, including toothpaste, are labeled and certified as "Cruelty Free".