Fish Free Label
Fish Free Analysis

Allergens; It can be expressed as substances that can cause allergic reactions and enter our body through inhalation, skin, oral or injection. Food allergens; It can be listed as milk, eggs, nuts, wheat, walnut, soy, shellfish and fish.
Fish is an important nutrient in human nutrition due to the high quality proteins it contains among the seafood. However, they are also classified as allergen foods due to some ingredients with different properties. Parvalbumin, gelatin, hemocyanin, amylase and tropomyosin are the most important fish and shellfish allergens known.
Most allergic reactions from seafood are caused by direct contact, inhalation or cross contamination. Individuals who are allergic to seafood are selective and careful in their food consumption.
The allergen substances contained in food products, even in trace amounts, must be indicated on the label. The "Fish-Free Label" is of great importance for food produced specifically for vegan individuals who are allergic to fish, such as fish, and who do not consume fish.
Having the “Fish-Free Label” for products specially produced for people who cannot consume fish firstly gives consumer confidence and reveals the value given by the producer firm to the consumer.