Nitrate Free Label
Nitrate Free Analysis

What is Nitrate (NO 3 )?
Nitrate (NO 3 ) are relatively inert compounds consisting of one nitrogen atom and three oxygen atoms. Although their ineffectiveness shows how stable and less likely to change or harm, it can be converted into nitrites by bacteria in the mouth or enzymes in the body.
As a result, nitrate can turn into nitrite and become harmful.
Which Foods Are Nitrites and Nitrates Used in?
Nitrite and nitrate are added to meat products such as bacon, ham, sausage to improve color and protect.
So What Are the Risks of Nitrate and Nitrite?
Nitrates and nitrites are found naturally in some vegetables and in the human body. They are beneficial compounds for human health. Nitrates and nitrites can be dangerous if they form nitrosamine. Nitrosamine formation may occur, especially with high-temperature cooking.
Different types of nitrosamines are carcinogenic substances. Meat products are rich in protein consisting of amino acids. When high levels of nitrate and nitrite are added and exposed to high temperatures, the necessary conditions for nitrosamine formation are provided.
This situation causes question marks about the meat products that are widely found and consumed on the market shelves today. Manufacturers have abandoned the use of nitrates in food products due to their adverse health effects.
Especially when foods such as sausages and ham that they prefer in children's nutrition are labeled with the "Nitrate Free Label", they prove that they are safe for consumers. Manufacturers can test their products in authorized laboratories and offer their products for sale with the "Nitrate Free Label".