Sofa Cleaning Detergent Vegan Certificate
Sofa Cleaning Detergent Vegan Certificate

In the home environment, apart from daily cleaning, it should be cleaned at regular intervals, in areas such as carpets, curtains or seats that need to be cleaned regularly. Sofa cleaning products should also have a formula that will provide cleaning and hygiene as required, and will not wear out the sofa fabric or fade its color.
Another feature sought in recent years for upholstery cleaning detergents is that it has a vegan formula. Vegan sofa cleaning products must be of vegetable origin and must prove that they do not contain animal DNA through analysis. Manufacturers of upholstery cleaning detergents must certify their products by undergoing analysis and inspections in order to use the vegan label and phrase on their products.
With the Nanocert Vegan Product Certification System, the contents of upholstery cleaning products are examined one by one, passed through international vegan analysis and certified with the necessary inspections. Nanocert Vegan Product System, which is based on the definition of vegan around the world and the wishes of vegan individuals, certifies Vegan Sofa Cleaning Detergents that can be used safely by consumers with its international validity.