Trans Fats Free Label
Trans Fat Free Analysis

Trans Fat; They are a type of unsaturated fatty acids that occur naturally in meat and dairy products or can be produced industrially by partial hydrogenation of vegetable oils. Naturally occurring "Trans Fat" in meat and dairy products does not exceed 6 percent of the total fatty acids. Partial hydrogenation process increases the strength and stability of the oil. Changes to the partial hydrogenation process occur in different products used in deep frying and baking, such as oils, margarines, and fats.
Especially in ready-made foods, trans fats found in some edible oils increase LDL cholesterol and cause some cardiovascular diseases. It also increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. According to health authorities around the world, trans fat consumption should be reduced to trace amounts.
Trans fat can be found in foods prepared by frying, especially fast food, cakes, chips, pies, biscuits, frozen pizzas, crackers.
Producer companies claim that their products are healthy by stating on their packaging that their products do not contain trans fats. In this case, the "Trans Fat Free Label" becomes important for consumers.
The fact that the products have the "Trans Fat Free Label" means that the products have passed the necessary tests and proved that they do not contain trans fats. Foods that have this label can be safely consumed.