Vegan Diaper Analysis
Vegan Diaper Certification

Even though it is not very well known, diapers are widely tested on animals and approved. Testing on animals when there are alternative ways is not an acceptable and logical way. Of course, there are companies that do not test on animals.
First of all, "Cruelty Free" is an issue that draws attention with the spread of veganism and the acceptance of animal rights. With the awareness of Cruelty free, many cosmetics, food and cleaning products can be approved by applying alternative methods without being tested on animals.
With Cruelty Free, awareness increased in many products. Now, especially vegan individuals refuse to include any animal-derived substances in the products they buy for their babies or to get approval by testing them on animals.
There are many products currently on the market that are vegan and not tested on animals. These products must be proven by testing and analysis that they are vegan and have not been tested on animals.