Vegan - Non-Vegan Ingredients
Vegan - Non-Vegan Ingredients

L-cysteine: Obtained from human and animal hair or feathers. It can be produced synthetically from coal tar. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
L-cysteine hydrochloride: A compound produced from L-cysteine. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Lactic acid: Acid produced by fermentation of whey, corn starch, potatoes or molasses. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Lactase: It is an enzyme obtained from yeast fungus. It prevents the breakdown of lactose into glucose and galactose. It is used in the dairy industry for people with lactose intolerance. It is vegan.
Lactoflavin: Vitamin B2. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Lactose: Milk sugar. It is a type of sugar found only in milk. It is not vegan.
Lanolin(e): Fat obtained from sheep's wool. It is not vegan.
Larg fat: The fat surrounding the stomach and kidneys of pigs, sheep and cattle. It is not vegan.
Bayhouse: Fresh berries and leaf extract of the laurel tree. It is vegan.
Lauric acid: Component of vegetable oils, especially coconut oil and laurel oil. Derivatives are used as bases in the manufacture of soaps, detergents and lauryl alcohol. It is vegan.
Lauryl alcohol: A compound usually made from coconut oil (which is naturally high in lauric acid) or a petroleum-based version of lauric acid. He is vegan.
Leather: Tanned leather (mostly from cattle, but also from sheep, pigs and goats, etc.) is not vegan.
Lecithin: In nerve tissues, egg yolk, fatty substance found in the blood and other tissues. It is commercially derived mainly from soybeans, peanuts and corn. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Limestone: a porous rock formed over thousands of years by the compression of the shells and bones of sea animals. It is vegan.
Lipase: An enzyme obtained from the stomach and tongue glands of calves, kids and lambs. It can also be obtained from plants, fungi or yeast. It breaks down fat into glycerol and fatty acids. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Lipoxygenase: enzyme obtained from soybean. It catalyzes the oxidation reaction. It is used in the bakery industry to make bread appear whiter. It is vegan.
Lutein: The dark yellow substance found in egg yolk. It is commercially obtained from marigolds. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Magnesium stearate: An ester of magnesium and stearic acid. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Malic acid: Natural acid found in fruits and vegetables. Synthetically produced for use in food products, medicines, dyes, soaps and more. It is vegan.
Maltodextrin: Sugar obtained by hydrolysis of starch. It is vegan.
Methanol: Also known as methyl alcohol or wood alcohol. It was produced as a byproduct of the destructive distillation of wood. It is currently produced mostly synthetically. It is vegan.
Mannitol (Mannite): It is obtained from the dried extract of flowering ash or seaweed. It is vegan.
Methylcellulose (methylcellulose): It is produced synthetically by heating cellulose with a sodium hydroxide solution and treating it with methyl chloride. It is used as a thickener in sauces and dressings. It is vegan.
Mentha (mint): It is obtained from flowering plants in the mint family. It is vegan.
Metafolin: Brand name for a synthetically produced form of folate that is chemically identical to the active form of folate found in food. Created by Merck's company. It is vegan.
Methyl cinnamate: It is obtained by heating methanol, cinnamic acid and sulfuric acid. It is vegan.
Methyl chloride (chloromethane): A colorless, poisonous gas or liquid of mostly natural origin. It is released into the environment from the oceans and is used as a spray for pesticides in food storage and processing. He is vegan.
Milk sugar: Lactose. It is not vegan.
Mink oil: It is obtained from mink. It is not vegan.
Modified (food) starch: Starch that has been physically or chemically processed to alter one or more of its basic physical or chemical properties. Physical modification may include tumble drying, extrusion, spray drying, or heat/moisture treatment. Chemicals used to replace starch include propylene oxide, succinic anhydride, 1-octenyl succinic anhydride, aluminum sulfate, or sodium hydroxide. It is vegan.
Mohair: Fabric or yarn made from the hair of Angora goat. It is not vegan.
Monoazo (Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S): FD&C Yellow 6. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Monocalcium phosphate: (Monobasic calcium phosphate, Monocalcium orthophosphate ): Monobasic form of calcium phosphate. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Mono-diglycerides: Puddings, ice cream, peanut butter, bread, etc. emulsifying agents in it. It can be obtained from plants (oil from corn, peanut or soybean) or animals (cows and pigs). It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG): It is produced from seaweed or by bacterial fermentation with molasses or starch and ammonium salts. It is vegan.
Musk: A substance secreted by male musk deer in a gland or pouch. It is not vegan.