Vegan - Non-Vegan Ingredients
Vegan - Non-Vegan Ingredients

Gelatin: Protein obtained by boiling the skin, connective tissue or bones of cows or pigs. It is an edible form of collagen. It is used as a gelling agent, stabilizer or thickener in cooking. It is also used in adhesives, photographic films, matches, sandpaper, some soft drinks, playing cards, crepe papers. It is not vegan.
Glucono delta-lactone: Also known as Gluconolactone or GDL. A fine, white, acidic powder. It is mostly produced by the oxidation of a glucose by microorganisms. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Gluconolactone: Glucono delta-lactone. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Glucose: A simple sugar usually produced by hydrolysis of a starch with mineral acids. Starches used are maize, rice, wheat, potato and arrowroot. It is also produced synthetically or by adding crystallized cane sugar to a mixture of alcohol and acid. In some countries (like the USA) glucose is passed through bone charcoal filters. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Glucose isomerate: Enzyme obtained from Streptomyces rubiginosus bacteria. It is used in the production of fructose syrups (including high fructose corn syrup) by converting glucose to fructose. It is vegan.
Glucosamine: A dietary supplement used to help relieve joint problems. It is usually obtained from the tissues of shellfish. It can also be derived from corn or produced synthetically. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Glycerin/Glycerol: A clear, by-product of the soap making process, obtained by adding alkalis (solutions with a pH greater than 7) to solid and fixed oils. a colorless liquid. It can be obtained from animal fats synthesized from propylene or from the fermentation of sugars. Vegetable glycerin is obtained from vegetable oils. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Glycine: An amino acid obtained by hydrolysis of proteins. It should be questioned whether it is of vegetable origin.
Guanine/Pearl extract: It is obtained from fish scales. It is not vegan.
Guar Gum: Gum made from ground guar seeds. It is vegan.
Gum Arabic/Gum acacia: A natural gum produced to heal the bark of the acacia tree in case of damage. It is used in cosmetics, confectionery, syrups and as an adhesive. It is vegan.
Leather: Animal skin (raw or tanned). Not Vegan.
High fructose corn syrup (HFCS): It is produced by processing corn starch to give glucose. This glucose is then processed with enzymes to increase the fructose content to make it sweeter. HFCS contains almost equal amounts of fructose and glucose and is mostly produced from genetically modified corn. It is vegan.
Honey: The food that bees make to feed themselves. It is not vegan.
Hydrochloric acid: It is formed by heating hydrogen and chlorine gas to form hydrogen chloride gas, which is then absorbed in water. It is vegan.
Hydroxypropyl cellulose: A cellulose derivative. It is used as a thickener in foods, for coating films and tablets. It is vegan.
Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC): Derived from alkali-treated cellulose that reacts with methyl chloride and propylene oxide. It can be used as an alternative to gelatin in hard capsules. It is vegan.
Inositol: A sugar-like nutritional supplement of the vitamin B complex. It is informally referred to as vitamin B8. It is found in almost all plant and animal tissues. It can be obtained commercially from both animal and vegetable sources (especially maize). It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Insulin: Bovine, sheep or pig pancreas. Commercially available human insulin is vegan. It should be questioned whether it is of plant origin.
Inulin: A naturally occurring carbohydrate found in the roots and tubers of many plants. It is usually extracted from chicory root. He is vegan.
Isinglass: Very pure gelatin obtained from the air sacs of some freshwater fish, especially sturgeon. It is not vegan.
Katsuobushi (okaka): The staple of Japanese cuisine. It is made by drying tuna or bonito into hard blocks and then forming flakes using a razor. It is used as a sauce or filling in many Japanese dishes. It is the main ingredient of dashi. It is not vegan.
Keratin: Protein found in hair, hooves, horns and feathers. It is not vegan.