Vegan Product Certification
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Veganism is a way of life that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and practicable, the exploitation and cruelty of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. This lifestyle is based on ethical principles. It's not just about humans using animals horribly, but also about the principle of using and killing animals for human benefit, whereas it's entirely possible for humans to live without animal parts.
Vegans do not use animal products or services. This definition shows that veganism is an endeavor and is limited to what is practically possible. This may differ from person to person, depending on the individual situation and options for purchasing vegan products and services. A vegan always thinks carefully about how best to avoid the use of any animal, in any case.
Vegans don't eat anything derived from animals, but veganism is more than that. A vegan also does not consume products made using animals. Nor do they consume products that are tested on animals or made with additives of animal origin, such as wines clarified with gelatin or fish glue.
Vegans do not buy clothes made of animals, such as fur, leather, wool, feathers, felt, feathers, silk. Vegans especially prefer products labeled vegan to ensure that their personal care products do not contain animal ingredients or are tested on animals.
Benefits of Veganism
- Animals: Many people go vegan because they don't want to contribute to the suffering of animals. Together, vegans can drastically reduce the number of animals raised, imprisoned, exploited and prematurely killed each year. Being vegan for a year makes a significant difference for dozens of animals. Veganism is a blatant statement against a system in which animals are viewed and treated as objects to be used or means of production.
- Nature and Environment: Livestock is responsible for the largest emissions (at least 18%) of greenhouse gases (such as methane and CO2) among all sectors. This means that livestock is a major cause of global warming. The United Nations has stated that meat production is the second-largest cause of environmental problems such as telluric pollution, water and air pollution, acidification, and reduction of biodiversity (due to rainforest destruction, among others).
- Health: A balanced plant diet contains all the nutrients needed to stay healthy and energetic. By eating (more) plants, you reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and many other diseases. In addition, plant foods do not contain cholesterol and contain less saturated fatty acids. Plant diets have gained immense popularity among top athletes.