Vegan Protein Powder
Vegan Protein Powder Certificate

The basic building block of most living things is protein, which is essential for life; These are organic compounds that are formed as a result of the joining of amino acid chains. In a balanced diet, you must include protein-containing foods in your daily diet. In addition to dietary protein, especially heavy athletes use protein powder as a nutritional supplement to increase muscle structure. Getting insufficient protein in your daily diet as a supplement allows you to quickly increase muscle mass.
Protein powder is recommended for the elderly and athletes. Protein powder can be used to prevent or slow muscle loss in the elderly. Proteins can be of animal or plant origin. animal proteins; You can get milk and milk products, chicken, fish and red meat. vegetable proteins; It is rich in spinach, buckwheat, lentils, beans and peas, hemp and chia seeds.
Vegan-based vegan protein powder is made for vegetarians who consume protein powder. types of protein powders from plant sources only; As a result of the analysis, inspection and control carried out under the Nanocert Vegan certification system, it is certified as vegan.
Contact us to get your plant-based vegan protein powder products certified.