Vegan - Vegetarian Certificate
What Are Vegetarian Nutrition Types?

Vegetarian nutrition is divided into 6:
1. What is a pescatarian diet?
The pescatarian diet is the rejection of red and white meat consumption in vegetarian diets and adding fish and seafood to their diet. The pescetarian diet, which is associated with the word "Pesce", which means fish in Italian, is individuals who add seafood to their vegetarian diet.
Pesco-vegetarian individuals also add fish and seafood to their typical vegetarian diet, which includes fruits, vegetables, eggs, grains, legumes. The purpose here is actually; is to create a diet with awareness of healthier eating.
2. Semi – Vegetarian Nutrition
Semi-vegetarian, which is defined as "Semi-Vegetarian" in meaning, does not consume only red meat from animal origin meats.
The basis of nutrition as a semi-vegetarian is to create a healthy diet. In other words, it is desired to prevent diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, diabetes and some types of cancer with a predominantly vegetarian diet.
3. Lacto – Ovo Vegetarian Nutrition
Lacto – ovo vegetarian diet; It is a type of diet that does not consume foods such as red meat, white meat and fish, but can consume milk and eggs, as is the basis of vegetarianism.
Often the goal of lacto-ovo vegetarians is to reduce consumption of animal food for ethical, environmental and health reasons. Type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart diseases can be prevented with a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet.
4. Lacto Vegetarian Nutrition
In the lacto-vegetarian diet, only milk and dairy products are consumed as food of animal origin.
Generally, lacto-vegetarian diet is preferred for ethical and environmental reasons. It is especially preferred as a nutritious diet. With a lacto-vegetarian diet, health problems such as heart diseases, blood sugar control and obesity are prevented.
5. Ovo Vegetarian Nutrition
In the ovo-vegetarian diet, foods of animal origin are not consumed, with the exception of eggs and their products. Consumption of all remaining animal products, including dairy products, is denied.
An ovo-vegetarian diet can consume all fruits, vegetables, zucchini, legumes, beans and grains such as rice, quinoa and barley, all seeds, spices and herbs, eggs and egg-containing products such as egg whites, mayonnaise, egg noodles and some baked goods. .
6. Vegan Nutrition
Vegan diet is basically the flexible side of vegetarianism is unacceptable. In other words, no food of animal origin is consumed. This includes honey.
Veganism is actually considered a way of life beyond a diet. In other words, nothing of animal origin is accepted in cosmetics and textile products other than nutrition.