Vegan Wall Paint Certificate
Vegan Wall Paint Analysis

For vegan individuals, it cannot be understood at first glance whether wall paints are vegan or not. In fact, it may not even come to mind to question wall paints. But wall paints may be far from being vegan due to the additional ingredients used. Whether the wall paints are vegan or not is determined by all the raw materials they contain.
Wall paints have also been one of the products questioned because of the milk protein or wax used as a binder in wall paints. Being vegan isn't just about nutrition. Vegan individuals want all the products they consume to be products that comply with the vegan approach and protect animal rights.
The suitability of a product for a vegan lifestyle is not clear at first glance. For this reason, products with a vegan label and certificate are preferred. Nanocert Vegan Product Certification System also approves and certifies many products such as wall paints by passing them through vegan analysis processes. You can choose products with Nanocert Vegan Label for safe and transparent production.