Vegan Wine Analysis
Vegan Wine Certificate

Wine is generally known as an alcoholic beverage made from grapes. Apart from grapes, wine is also obtained from various fruits and some cereal varieties.
But are important wine varieties acceptable for veganism?
At first glance, wine varieties of vegetable origin can be considered suitable for a vegan diet. However, some substances used in wine production can make wine varieties less vegan.
Materials used in wine production:
Water: It lowers alcohol levels and stabilizes the wine in the early stages of production.
Sugar: Used to balance wine or increase alcohol content.
Sulfur Dioxide: Often listed as "sulfide" on the bottle; It is used to preserve wine.
Potassium Sorbate and Potassium Metabisulfite: It has various roles but is mainly used to preserve wine and yeast.
Tannins: Wines naturally contain tannins, but more can be added in powder form to aid flavor and balance.
Yeast: Most wines use added cultured yeast instead of wild yeast to facilitate fermentation.
Calcium carbonate: Used to reduce acidity.
The above mentioned items are not complete and complete. However, these roughly used materials do not prevent wine from being vegan. Of course, the method of refining the sugar used is important.
The substances that prevent a wine from becoming vegan are the use of animal-derived products such as Gelatin, Isinglass, Casein, Chitin in the filtering method. With the use of these ingredients, wine cannot be considered vegan.