Vitamin Supplements in Vegan Nutrition Certification
What is the Importance of Vitamin Supplements in Vegan Nutrition?

Food supplements are important for a healthy vegan diet. In order to meet all the nutrients the body needs, it is recommended to support a balanced vegan diet with supplements.
Vitamin B12:
People who do not consume animal foods can be fortified in vitamin B12 or supplied from food supplements. B12 is especially helpful in the protection of the nervous system and the development of red blood cells.
Vitamin D3:
Vitamin D is a vitamin that can be obtained from milk and dairy products. It is a good source of vitamin D for exposure to sunlight other than from foods. However, it may be necessary to take vitamin D supplements from October to March.
A certain daily intake of iodine is necessary for thyroid health. By consuming about 500 ml of herbal milk a day, iodine need can be met and supplements can also be consumed.
It is involved in the body's fight against infections and the protection of cells and tissues. Selenium needs may not be met with plants. For this reason, our daily needs should be met with food supplements.